Sakura Mikan, a 10 year old girl, followed her best friend who studied at the Gakuen Alice. This place oriented only for people who have an Alice, a mysterious ability. She meets with Narumi who happened to be the teacher in there. Mikan also meets with Hyuuga Natsume, a genious in the Elementary Department as well as the infamous student known as Kuro Neko/Black Cat.

The relationship between the characters developed as the story continues. Mikan learned more about the school’s history and secrets. Natsume becomes more open to his friends, especially to Mikan and love her until the state of risking his own life to save her.

The four main character here are: Mikan Sakura, Hyuuga Natsume, Imai Hotaru, and Nogi Ruka.

Anime Episodes: Episode 1-26 (Completed)
Manga Chapters: Chapter 1-109 (On-Going)


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