It's a story about a boy named Natsume Takashi who can see Ayakashi/Youkai. In the first scene, Natsume seen trying to get away from an Ayakashi who mistook him with his grandmother, Reiko. He met Madara, a cat Ayakashi, who was sealed inside a Maneki neko. Later, he proposed to become Natsume's Bodyguard until the time he got his hand on the Yuujincho. Natsume agreed on this and accept Madara as his bodyguards when he decided to give back the Ayakashi's names from the Yuujincho.
Natsume met a lot of people and Ayakashi in the process. From his encounter, Natsume changed his point of view of Ayakashi and understood that some of the Ayakashi also has a friendly and kind heart. Slowly, he also tried to trust his friends, Tanuma Kaname, Taki Tooru, to help him with the Ayakashi problem.
Overall, It's quite a good story. I got hooked up from the very first episode. This anime divided into two seasons, Natsume Yujincho and Zoku Natsume Yujincho. Each season has 12-13 episodes. Though the anime series already ended, the manga still continues. Those who love Ghost-themed anime, you should try this anime ^^
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