Shiki means Corpse Demon. It's a story took place in a village with about 1300 people resides there. But, one day, during summers one by one the villagers died with an unknown reason. Then, one day, an outsiders came to the village and the death of the villagers become more uncontrollable.
This story has a lot of point of view. Begins with Shimizu Megumi, a high school girl who hated her village and wanted to move out to the town. Then, followed by Yuuki(Koide) Natsuno, a high school boy who also hated the village but forced to live there because his father loved a country side atmosphere.
From my opinion, It's quite scary manga. But, the storyline is very interesting to follow. There is a news that Shiki would has Anime version but I'm not sure when it would be released. One advice from me, Never read it when you were about to sleep. You would dream of finding a way to excorcise the Shiki ^^ But, it's quite interesting adventure ^^
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