The story begins from the moment a young devil boy transfers to an Academy for angels located deep inside the forest. He was tasked to clean out the monsters in a nearby forest but after successfully doing so, the angels asked him to become the Academy's Knight to prevent a 'great catastrophe!' Sounds great! But, wait... a devil who's a Knight in an Academy for angels?!

A very cute story for me. There are 3 characters with different elements. Luca as the Devil, Lilith as the Fallen Angel, and Haniel as the Angel. It's really interesting to see how Luca worked really hard just because he didn't want to lose. A simple word of "You can't do it" would be enough to move Luca to do what they want ^^; For me, I think Luca is a bit too kind for the Devil characters ^^; Overall, It's a really nice story though the ending is disappointing because it ends after Haniel decide to leave her "cage"


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